"The Beauty of Mathematics"

 It is phenomenal for a majority of Arts-Inclined students to shy away from taking as Mathematics as a course at every level.Even at the University they barely enrol into the course because it is a compulsory course which might prevent them from graduating from the University.They manage to validate theis course with a meagre  grade.


Listen to me !,you need to take your Maths seriously especially this Academic Year. There's beauty in Mathematics and you can only know when you take this course with all your heart .You can't run away from it anyway, you need it in Business,Life Decisions,Cookery and in order to budget appropriately so there's no way you can avoid it.It is life and even your birthday is Mathematics in itself.

# The Beauty of Maths in Business

Mathematics is the core essence of a successful Business transaction and Studies.You cannot successfully carryout your transactions without using your Maths Skills .No Accountant can ever succeed in his or her career if he /she can't do invoicing, Calculate Net profits in a Profit /Loss Statement or know your financial positioning in a Balance sheet,know your Cashflow and properly account for transactions.

Even as a petty trader to need  Mathematics in order not to cheat your customers or be cheated which reduces your profitability.


In fact every Business Student will agree with me that Business Mathematics is a compulsory course and if not validated you cannot graduate.

Mathematics is needed in all fields of Business and more like Accounting, Banking and Finance , Project Management, Marketing, Management, Computer Engineering, Surveying, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine , Pharmacology, Neurology, Surgery and everywhere.This is because Mathematics deals with budgeting and estimations.

#The Beauty of Mathematics in Life's Decisions

Mathematics is Interrelated with Economics and is needed for all life's decisions.Economics teaches us that resources are limited in supply relative to demand that means the number of people available to use resources are more than the resources itself.We need to choose between 2or more alternatives (choice) according to our highest preference

#The Beauty of Mathematics in Cookery

How do you cook a sumptuous meal without over or under adding the ingredient such as maggi,salt or name it.You need to estimate the quantity in proportion to whatever you are cooking and the quantity of water.


Mothers are the best Mathematicians they can approximate to the nearest best quantity of ingredient they have to use and the end product will be a sumptuous meal.

Kudos !!!Mums I am so proud of you all.We tend to ignore mathematics but we cook and eat  daily, what a fallacy we commit.Arts Students are one of the best cooks how then can they run away from  Mathematics??.

#The beauty of Mathematics in Revenue allocation through Budgeting

Whatever we do we need to budget so that we don't spend above what we earn.Whether we want to pay for utilities, offer to charity,invest,save we need to know how to budget adequately so that our costs don't outweigh the benefits or revenue we receive in proportion to our disposable Income.To do this our Mathematics Skills must be intact for adequate appointment.

I hope at the end of this article you will take your Mathematics lessons more seriously especially this academic year because Mathematics is life in itself,it is needed for business,cookery,life decisions and you can't run away from it even if you are a History or Philosophy Student.

This article is dedicated to my Mathematics Professors of G .B.H.S Mamfe ;Mr Ako Ferdinand (Daddy Ferdy),Mr Ojongaki Steven Ewube and Mr Oben Collins Oben.Thank you all for your impartation not leaving out all my Mathematics and Accounting Lecturers at the University of Buea especially my supervisor ,Mr Nyengche Tamufor Musibe.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.May God bless you all.


  1. Wow, insightful write up i love it, i believe those who hate maths for no reasonor those who need just a little push will be elated by this article

  2. Can't lie, this is really motivating and great. If you no want like maths nor, these articles go make you . Keep it up sis

    1. Thanks my lovely KiddoπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Colleague 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  4. Good write up. Remain blessed as you inspire many to do what is right


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