
Showing posts from September, 2021

"The Beauty of Mathematics"

 It is phenomenal for a majority of Arts-Inclined students to shy away from taking as Mathematics as a course at every level.Even at the University they barely enrol into the course because it is a compulsory course which might prevent them from graduating from the University.They manage to validate theis course with a meagre  grade. Listen to me !,you need to take your Maths seriously especially this Academic Year. There's beauty in Mathematics and you can only know when you take this course with all your heart .You can't run away from it anyway, you need it in Business,Life Decisions,Cookery and in order to budget appropriately so there's no way you can avoid it.It is life and even your birthday is Mathematics in itself. # The Beauty of Maths in Business Mathematics is the core essence of a successful Business transaction and Studies.You cannot successfully carryout your transactions without using your Maths Skil