The only thing you should do to be successful in Life

 Success begins by taking those baby steps consistently and daily to achieve all your emarked goals.According to Joshua 1:8  ,"Be sure that the book of the Law is always read in your worship .Study it day and night and make sure that you obey everything written in it.Then you will be prosperous and Successful"- Joshua 1:8(Good News Bible Today's English Version)

Yes!!!, obeying the book of the Law (the Bible) and constantly studying the word of God is a vital Ingredient for success.

Take your time and consistently study the word of God daily and pray fervently.When you are so faithful to God Almighty upto a point where you establish a personal relationship with him,He is going to make you successful.

He will give you revelations and fresh(creative) ideas  that you will use to solve the world's challenges.When you provide a solution to any problem on earth you become successful and start reaping from It.When you are involved in God's businesses He too will be invoice in yours and the whole world will benefit from it.

As a Christian it is so wrong to wake up every morning and retire back to bed without committing your day into God's hands .Prayerlessness is the first sign of pride and we all are guilty about it.

It is telling God that you can control how your day will look like .We need to allow God take control over our affairs.Pray like everything depends on God and you will never struggle to be successful.

Commit all your plans to God and he will make them successful-Proverbs 16:3 

Bessem Ako Sandra A


  1. Proverbs 3:5-Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding ,in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.

  2. When we follow Joshua 1:8 we shall be prosperous and have good success.Thank you my wise one!.May God bless you and inspire you all the way up.

    1. Amen God is the ultimate for Success,may he bless you too.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ€

  3. Prayerlessness is the first symbol of pride,thanks dear I will redress my steps because am guilty,I go about my day not praying when I wake up

    1. We all need to take prayers more seriously.God owns our life ,we must give him all the credits through Prayer and worship.

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