Uncommon ways to dispose Menstrual pads

 It is very normal for a girl child to start menstruating between the ages of 9-15years.Each month your body sheds its uterine lining because the eggs were not fertilized by sperm.When this happens blood flows through your vagina as menses and a menstrual pad is used to prevent blood from leaking out of your panties. 

Get Always Pad which stays up to 8hours by clicking the link below


Strict personal hygiene needs to be followed during this period to avoid reproductive,urinary tract and bacteria infections.Menstruation lasts between 3-7days depending on the Cycle of the individual.

When you have menstruated how do you dispose unusable pads????

#Parents and landlords or landladies should dig a deep a pit and concrete it with a lid so that the females can dispose their pads and to avoid bad odour for from polluting the environment .

#it is widely agreed that pads shouldn't be flushed into the toilet for fearof blockage of the drainage system.But,It is possible to flush your pads if and only if you follow these procedures:

*Change your pads and wash it thoroughly until no trace of blood is found   .

*Open up the pad and divide it into 2:one will come in contact with the cotton-like part and the plastic part

*Empty all the cotton-like part of the pad into the toilet and flush while retaining the plastic part which blocks a toilet,wash your hands thoroughly or sanitize them adequately.


*Collect the plastic pad and dump into a bin or insert it into an empty toilet roll to be discarded by Hysacam or a cleaning agency.

For reusable pads, don't dispose them,wash,sun dry under a towel on order not to expose it for contamination ,Iron and store for usage .

Follow these ways to avoid loitering the environment and to make sure that you dispose your pads by yourself for fear of the unknown.

For purposes of the office you can use a sanitary bin for all your female employees preferably an automated one to avoid contact with your hands.

Bessem Ako Sandra A.



  1. Follow these simple Steps to dispose your pads anytime.

  2. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00G8DDBOU/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00G8DDBOU&linkCode=as2&tag=bessandra2021-20&linkId=18101408442a66d69378c3a3f81469ad

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you,I am called to impact my world.I am happy you were impacted .

  4. Very educative, but i have a worry with reusable pads, is it really advisable to dry it under a towel?

    1. Yes you don't need to expose it to evironmental factors which can contaminate it.
      Dry it under a towel direct

    2. Dry it under a towel directly under sun light .

      You also don't want your panties to be seen by everyone do you????.

    3. Thanks for your question,Please feel free to ask more!

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